Week 1:
The first session is about meeting the group (this course can enable you to make life long friends that will continue to be your support network after the course ends). You will then be provided with information on the last stages of pregnancy (how you may feel, what to expect). We discuss the signs of labour and what to do when labour starts. We talk about birth choices in Oxfordshire and the options you need to consider before the birth (venue, birthing partner, contact numbers).
Week 2:
Now that you have met your course members we dive into labour and birth. I discuss the timeline of events and your feelings/emotions around this time. We also discuss pain relief and alternative therapies. We can discuss birth preferences. I teach breathing and pushing techniques that you could use for the birth. I will outline some possible scenarios for your labour and birth (e.g. c-sections, episiotomy or if you are having an induction of labour).
Week 3:
The third week is infant feeding. I will explain (and demonstrate with props) colostrum harvesting and breastfeeding. We discuss positioning and attachment in depth, with supporting literature to help you remember in the future. I also discuss artificial feeding and the use of teets.
Week 4:
The last week is about the immediate postnatal period for you and your baby. The topics covered are feeding, thermoregulation, nappy changing, bathing, safe sleeping, contraception, the role of the community midwife, support you have on offer and your mood postnatally (including signs of postnatal depression).